Welcome To Moda Fabrics!

Jan Donley

Jan Donley

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Meet Jan Donley

I tried chasing her to get a picture, but... read about what she hates below.

What specific job responsibilities do you have here at Moda Fabrics?
Customer Service, Customer Service, Customer Service
Where did you grow up?

Colorado (yes I miss it very much!)

How long have you worked for Moda Fabrics:
3 1/2 years (except for a bit of a break)
What did your first quilt look like and when did you make it?
It was just squares, tied with yarn.  I made it for my second son when he was born.
Three things you couldn't do your job without.
Computer, Pen, and telephone.
Other favorite past time / hobbies?
  Love to play in my garden, travel with my husband, play with the grandsons 

What did you want to be when you were 12 years old?
An architect, I would draw buildings with staircases and fireplaces.  I love old architecture and would cut pictures of old buildings out of magazines.
Tell us about another job you had...
I worked in ICU as an RN-you really don't want to know about it.
Tell us about your beloved?
I am married to the most amazing and handsome man, Dan, (we are Dan and Jan). He can fix anything, he has a great sense of wonder-yep he does wonder about me some times, but I tell him all is well.  He is also a very steady as you go person, he does not get frazzled over things.  Once a lady asked how I ended up with such a great guy? We decided it had to be just luck.
Name 5 things on your bucket list... 
Own an apple orchard,
 have lunch with Laura Bush,
take professional bread making classes at King Arthur Flour Company in Vermont,
visit historical sites on the East Coast,
 spend the day coloring with my grand kids.
If you were written about in the newspaper, the headline would read...
Have you seen this person?   (I get lost a lot. We quit calling it getting lost, we call it Jan's great adventures.)

Tell us something about you that most people don't know... 
I HATE having my picture taken.

My passion is... 
My family.
Flowers or Food?  What kind?
 Flowers, Not roses, they are very over rated. I love carnations.
My motto is...There are three:
"Never regret.
If it is good, it is wonderful, if it is bad, it is experience."

People who don't Think probably don't have Brains; rather, they have grey fluff that's blown into their heads by mistake.” Winnie the Pooh
"A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.” Winnie the Pooh

I collect...
Penguins.  I have a "kinship" to these short round waddling creatures.
If you choose a career as a XXX movie star & need a stage name, they say; use the name of your first pet & the street you lived on - what would yours be?
Peppy Lane
Where would you go on your dream vacation?
See bucket list. 
 When the grand kids get older I want to take them and "Grandpa" to Disney World.
O.K. their parents can go too!
What makes you laugh?
My husband. When he laughs the entire room lights up. He has the most in infectious laugh I have ever heard.

What one question would you ask a psychic about your future?

 Will I have a granddaughter?
 (If not I need to get rid of all the pink fabric and lace I have collected)

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