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Getting to Know you - Stephanie Sliwinski

Getting to Know you - Stephanie Sliwinski

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We recently had the pleasure of meeting Stephanie of Fancy That Design House IN PERSON! Stephanie attended the International Quilt Market in Houston, Texas, showcasing her Christmas 2023 line, Good News, Great Joy. This was our first market back since covid and rarely has it ever been that we have not already met the designer in person. While we have had many zoom calls, it was not the same as meeting her in person. Stephanie is an absolute delight, and wanted to share a little about her in this month's - "Get to Know You"  feature.

Stephanie Sliwinski is a surface designer and owner of Fancy That Design House & Co., located just outside of Milwaukee, WI.


After earning her degree in both Art and Graphic Communication, Stephanie spent years working in the apparel industry before starting Fancy That Design House & Co. in 2012, transitioning into wall art & surface design.


She loves finding inspiration in nature, spending time in her garden and kitchen as well as walking through antique stores, and treasure hunting at flea markets. Quiet time in the morning, a good vintage label design, off-beat color combinations, ornate book spines, and pretty oral vintage linens all bring a smile to her face and spark her creativity. Stephanie’s art is to be enjoyed by timeless old souls and the young at heart. It is her own heart’s desire that her illustrations bring you joy and encouragement and simply “brighten the everyday”.


Today, she spends her time creating at her home (with a cup of coffee always close by) and finding joy in all the little things with her husband, three sons, and an ever-growing number of backyard chickens. 


We always love asking the designers a few questions:

What is your favorite color?


The perfect golden mustard


What is your favorite season and why?


Summer...it’s too short here in Wisconsin. I love the sunshine, the long days, all the time outside with my family and the time spent in the garden.


Are you a morning person or a night owl?


I’m definitely a morning person, I have a hard time staying up past 9.


When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?


I wanted to be an astronaut or an artist...one worked out ;)


What inspires you daily?


Faith and creation all around us.


What is your favorite food?


It’s rather simple...but a good pizza


Where was your best vacation?




What is your favorite movie? 


It’s a Wonderful Life


What are the words you live by?


Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things (Philippians 4:8)


What are your top 5 favorite notions?


1. Self healing cutting mat

2. Rotary cutter

3. Seam ripper

4. Thread snips

5. Lip edge ruler

Stephanie's current lines in stores now are Songbook, Cheer and Merriment, Slow Stroll, Songbook A New Page, and Good News, Great Joy.

Her newest line that will ship to stores in August 2023 is Dawn On The Prarie Keep your eyes peeled for her 7th colection coming this month and shipping in December 2023

To learn more about Stephanie, visit our designer's page.

Please also visit her social media to keep up with her and her gorgeous designs.



Fancy That Design House Website

Fancy That Design House Blog

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