Welcome To Moda Fabrics!

Carol Vickers

Carol Vickers

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all the way from Sunny California, here is.....

Where did you grow up?
Gardner, Kansas

How many years have you been in the industry?
24 years
Favorite past time / hobbies?
Sewing, cooking, hiking with my dogs, movies with husband and friends, entertaining and cooking for our friends, working on our house with my husband, volunteering at our local non-profit theater, kayaking, weekend trips to San Francisco, camping, and fishing trips with my husband.
What did you want to be when you were 12 years old?
What is your favorite childhood memory?
My 13th birthday. My parents didn't have much money, and Dad was great at finding bargains and he surprised me with a Boston Terrier puppy. The puppy had a crumpled ear so he could no longer be a show dog, so they sold the pup to him for $25. He knew I wanted a Boston Terrier, and it was a wonderful gift I never expected.
Tell us about another job you had...
Working in the restaurant industry, Bartender, waiting tables, catering.
Tell us about your beloved?
My husband's name is Jan. We have been married for 19 years. We just celebrated our 19th anniversary on June 27th in Paris, France. Jan is a civil engineer designing bridges.
Jan is a great cook and he loves fishing, and gardening.
Name 5 things always found in your refrigerator?
 peanut butter,
eggs, and cheese.
What was the best thing before sliced bread?
Jan's baking. He makes incredible scones, chocolate cake, brioche, and carrot cake.
Name 5 things on your bucket list..
More trips overseas, bungee jumping, costume designing,
Tell us something about you that most people don't know...
I would like to swim competitively
Name three things you never leave home without...
Sunglasses, hair pick, and chapstick.
My vice in life..
My passion is...
What fashion trend do you wish would come back in style & why?
White Go-Go boots. Not sure why, maybe because I felt soo cool when I wore them in High School.
If you were not a sales rep, what else would you do?
Costume design.
I collect...

photo courtesy of REAL SIMPLE

Salt and Pepper shakers. I know, embarrassing!

If gas mileage & space for samples, were not a requirement, I'd be driving...
Nash metropolitan, or an Isseta
If you choose a career as a XXX movie star & need a stage name, they say; use the name of your first pet & the street you lived on - what would yours be?
Buddy Cherry. That's just wrong!!!!

Carol asked all these questions for us. Now it is time for you to answer a question.

If you were to create a moda bumper sticker what would it say, leave a comment.
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