Welcome To Moda Fabrics!

Sarah Dalrymple

Sarah Dalrymple

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Today it is time to meet Sarah Dalyrmple.

What specific job responsibilities do you have here at Moda Fabrics?
A little bit of everything. I do some of the "tech " types of things, like help customers with using the website, setting up and sending them their info to log in, etc. I also release the orders the sales reps enter electronically. Then there's the everyday customer service things, answer phones, enter orders, etc.
Where did you grow up?
 Brenham, TX
How long have you worked for Moda Fabrics?
 4.5 yrs
What did your first quilt look like and when did you make it?
Super basic, all squares sewn in rows. Nothing jazzy, but came out pretty okay for a first quilt. I still have it.
Three things you couldn't do your job without. 
 Wireless headset, our website & Dr. Pepper
Other favorite past time / hobbies?
I usually have some with me to work on over my  lunch break. I'm in the middle of trying to know something for every member of my family for Christmas this year. I'm about half way done.
Brown bag or go out?
Brown bag, so I have more time for knitting :D
What did you want to be when you were 12 years old?
A lawyer, because I liked to argue, and really  liked to win arguments.
If you did not work, what would you do?
Travel and see the world. I'd love to visit Scotland, Japan, and a few more places for sure.
My vice in life...
Too much internet use. Without a doubt.
If you could have a super power for a day, what would it be and why?
 To be able to fly. I love the view from airplanes, looking over the clouds.
What did you get in trouble for most when you were a kid?
 That might be for picking on my younger brothers when we were kids. My mom always said one day those boys will be bigger than you, and sure enough, they are both about a foot taller than me.. haha, oops!
I collect...
Yes. Pretty much just stop with I collect.  I have fabric and yarn in fairly mass quantities. In a small apartment that's generally not a good thing. Organization is critical.
What makes you laugh?
My family. We can be a rowdy bunch, and when the five of us get together, dinners usually end in hysterical laughter.  
Sarah on the 50 yd line of the Dallas Cowboy Stadium
If you choose a career as a XXX movie star & need a stage name, they say; use the name of your first pet & the street you lived on - what would yours be?
I love this, because mine is rotten, Stanley Rosedale.. terrible eh?
My motto is...
I have a sticker in my office that says "Wishin' I was stitchin'" I think that would be a good one
Where would you go on your dream vacation?
Well seeing as its about a thousand degrees outside, I'd love to go somewhere , anywhere cooler than Texas  is right now. Seriously though, I'd love to go to England and Scotland.
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